Hire ReactJS Developers - A Guide For Recruiters
As per the Stackoverflow 2020 developers survey, 68.9% of developers have communicated their interest in continuing to work with React.
Furthermore, ReactJS got the second spot as the most valuable web structure because of its simplicity, adaptability, quicker delivery, and capacity to make intuitive UIs.
However, the problem with ReactJS is in the potential skill quest. With nearly 23,000 job openings in the US independently, the need dominates the supply by many folds.
This blog will explain how to hire React developer and what mistakes you can avoid while hiring to reap the long-term value.
When and why does your business need to hire React js developer?

Keeping it simple, here are the main five reasons why you need to recruit a ReactJS developer for web application development and why it is the best choice for your enterprise -
To develop a rich UI
For conveying quick delivery
To reuse the codes
For the continually renewing libraries
Simple debugging
Whether you want to create a small-scale application with limited attributes or an enterprise-level app to meet the ever-changing desires of your global users, hiring React JS developers will let you achieve your dedicated business objectives.
Top 5 tips on how to hire React developer - Key to hiring the best!

The fame of React sets the assumptions high for React developers in this cutthroat field. Your search for a skillful developer who can perform definitive campaigns and achieve responsibilities. Correct?
So here are a few tips vital for you which will solve all your how to hire React developer concerns -
Are they proficient in JavaScript & ECMAScript?
It is fundamental for a React developer to have strong command over JavaScript features, syntax, operations, and known ECMAScript to simplify code. Thus, a developer with information on JavaScript and ECMAScript will be a magnificent expansion to your group.
Do they have a fundamental knowledge of testing frameworks and methods?
Understanding how these testing tools and frameworks function assists developers in deterring mistakes, writing better code, and inspecting and fixing bugs.
Do they have a flexible Learning Curve?
Many ventures embrace this innovation due to its convenience and universal expectation to learn and adapt. Hence, it would help if you guaranteed that the developers you recruit are adaptable to learning changes and updates as required.
Should have the skill to regulate and plan ReactJS Project
This skill assists them with arranging their work by separating it into little errands. It also helps them assess how much time they will require for each job.
Have Interpersonal Skills
Many individuals imagine they can enlist a React Developer with every specialized ability, yet that is false. The developer is required to communicate effectively with clients and other team members.
Top 3 mistakes to avoid while hiring React JS developers
Now that you know how to hire React developer, even after all the theoretical information, when you apply all these practices, you tend to make these three mistakes that you can prevent -
Disregarding certifications
This could be a very critical facet of the hiring process. Check their credentials. Check what kind of ventures they have dealt with. Check any sites or applications they have created. This will assist you in unraveling if the prospect is suitable for your campaigns or not.
Wanting fast results from developers
Developing a website or app is a tricky and time-consuming process. Many teams need to work together to get things performed, and it is not only developers' hard work. So rather than slumping into that trap, look for a more reliable individual who doesn't expect to get things done instantly.
Not doing proper analysis
Most businesses make the widespread mistake of choosing someone before thorough research. Cost does play an important role in hiring. However, some other aspects like skill, reviews, and portfolio checks should not be ignored.
React.js is one of the most demanded programs and is now used by 31.3 percent of all specialists globally. Netflix, PayPal, eBay, Airbnb, and other leading IT firms use the tool to develop scalable, easy-to-maintain systems.
Plus, it helps that developers strongly prefer ReactJS since it offers front-end development that is quick, simple, and scalable.
This blog will help you dig deeper and help you understand the know-how about how to hire React developer.