ReactJS Developer Job Description: Role, Responsibilities, Skills, And Salary
Updated: Jun 15, 2022
We all know that React is a JavaScript library that plans to improve on the improvement of visual interfaces and that's why businesses today love it! The demand for ReactJS developers is skyrocketing today. Thus, we are here to help all the hiring managers caught in a ruff by bringing you the ultimate guide on creating a ReactJS developer job description. Stay tuned!
Created in 2013, ReactJS powers Facebook and Instagram, among many other programming organizations. Its essential objective is to make it simple to reason about an interface and its state anytime by partitioning the UI into various parts.
So, what is ReactJS actually?
How can it help your business?
And, why is React developer and their job description necessary for your business?
Let’s explore it all in this read.

Before React JS, designers were stuck in creating UIs by hand with "vanilla JavaScript" (engineers represent the raw JavaScript language on its own) or with less UI-centered React ancestors like jQuery. That meant longer advancement times and many chances for Blunders and bugs. In 2011, Facebook engineer Jordan Walke explicitly made React JS(opens in another tab) develop UI improvement further which helped ReactJS developers work efficiently.
As well as giving reusable React library code (saving advancement time and eliminating the opportunity for coding blunders), React accompanies two key elements (JSX and Virtual DOM) that add to its allure for JavaScript designers.
Here are a few qualifications that organizations definitely add to their React Developer Job Description while recruiting ReactJS developers with good quality and efficiency levels -
Bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology, or a similar field
Prior experience specializing as a react.js developer
In-depth knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and frontend languages
Good project management skills
To make a comprehensive decision, here are the roles and responsibilities of the ReactJS developer -
Developing interesting UI elements utilizing ReactJS toolkit
Building quality UI code operating wireframes and mock structures.
Surveying the code continuously to improve app performance
Regulating applications state and practical libraries to build asynchronous API calls and using ReactJS workflows like Context and Redux APIs to compile computed data from the state
Composing modern, to-the-point, and definitive code using the CSS-pre-processors like LESS and SASS, Stylesheets, and JavaScript features.
Building and optimizing reusable JS/CSS/HTML factors and preparing them to be cross-compatible.
Undergoing the QA procedure, encompassing integration testing, end-to-end testing, and unit testing.
Regardless of how adaptable the ReactJS library is, it won't evolve an application by itself. It takes a highly qualified ReactJS developer to create a valuable React app.
Following are the skills for ReactJS developer:
Reactjs is a library for frontend development. So, the essential skills needed in a Reactjs developer are HTML and CSS development and an in-depth understanding of the design principles.
2. Tech Expert
In addition to in-built libraries, ReactJS developers must also hold an exceptional grip over technologies like Redux, React Router, Create React App, Material Kit React, and more.
3. Planning efficiently
Businesses look for ReactJS developers who are aces in planning and utilizing the best task management software to share the advancement reports of the sprints.
4. Problem-solving skills
Software development is about deciphering the user's pain points and building software. So, problem-solving skills help ReactJS - from deciding the right tools and building a terrific UI to stimulating an intuitive user experience in the app.

The typical salary for a ReactJS developer job description is $106,200 each year in the United States.
There are numerous elements in light on which the ReactJS developer salary depends. This incorporates location, years of experience, abilities, jobs, mastery level, preparation, and certifications.
ReactJS offers many benefits, including simple coding, support across the SDLC, upgraded efficiency, and fast delivery of robust products.
And to enjoy these advantages, you should recruit a solid and experienced developer with a relevant React developer job description who can construct a high-performing product.